All the information in this blog was found through various sources (see below) This page will be frequently added to as posts continue:
Bibliography and Works Cited
Seager, Joni. The Peguin Atlas of Women in the World, Fourth Edition. Brighton BN3. Penguin Group. 2009. Print.
Guzman, Bouvard M, and Donna J. Guy. "Revolutionizing Motherhood: the Mothers of the Plaza De Mayo." The American Historical Review. 100.5 (1995): 1735. Print.
Susie's Big Adventure Blog: Saudi Arabia Wastes Biggest Untapped Natural Resource: WOMEN
Ross Rights: Online documentary supplement to Women's Human Rights: The International and Comparative Law Casebook by Susan Deller Ross
A women's work is never done-India photo
Women and democracy in India
Ross Rights: Online documentary supplement to Women's Human Rights: The International and Comparative Law Casebook by Susan Deller Ross
A women's work is never done-India photo
Women and democracy in India